Contact us today and begin the process of getting your home sold!

In order for us to determine what we can offer you for your house, we will need you some basic information about your property. This will allow us to complete some of the research and due diligence necessary for us to prepare a preliminary offer. We can usually give you an idea of what we can offer based on the information you'll provide us. However, we will also need to physically inspect the property and verify its condition prior to making a written offer.

When completing the form below, please be as detailed as possible. However, if you prefer to speak with us directly, you can call us at (863) 248-7263 during business hours.

Please Please fill out all of the fields that are marked with the red asterisk (*). These represent the essential information that we need in order to give you a meaningful response.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you in advance for contacting us. We will contact you as soon as we have completed our preliminary analysis, usually within 24 -48 hours.

1FirstNameFirst Name: * 100 0text
1LastNameLast Name: * 100 0text
1EmailAddressEmail Address: * 110 0text
1PhoneNumberPhone Number: * 100 0text
1PropertyStreetProperty Street Address: * 100 0text
1PropertyCityProperty City: * 100 0text
1PropertyStateProperty State: * 100 0text
1PropertyZipProperty Zip: * 100 0text
1AskingPriceAsking/Selling Price: * 100 0text
1ReasonSellingReason For Selling: * 500 0text
0MortgageBalancesEstimated Mortgage Balances: 100 0Text
0MortgagePaymentsTotal Monthly Mortgage Payments: 100 0Text
1Bedrooms# Bedrooms: * 100 0text
1Bathrooms# Bathrooms: * 100 0text
0SqFootageApproximate Sq Ft: 100 0Text
0RepairsNeededWhat is the overall condition of the home: 500Excellent Minor repairs Major repairs1Text
0OccupiedIs the house vacant or occupied: 100Vacant Owner Occupied Tenant Occupied1Text
0HowSoonHow soon are you looking to sell the home: 1001 month 0 to 3 months 3 to 6 months 6+ months1Text
0MortgageCurrentIf there are mortgages, are payments current: 100Yes No1Text
0AnyOtherInfoAny other information/details you would like to provide: 500 0Text
Required [*]
Please answer the following anti-SPAM question:
1 + 1 =

We respect your privacy and will not share your information
with anyone for any reason. Period.

Three Kings Day Company, LLC
d/b/a Realty Solutions Now
2161 E. County Rd. 540A • Suite 153
Lakeland, FL 33813
Main 877.456.2897 • Fax 877.580.4068
Partially owned and operated by a  Licensed Florida Real Estate Agent

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